Montana Advance Sheets was created by Montana attorney Howard Toole to allow technology to bring new case law together into one weekly publication for lawyers and judges in Montana.

Advance sheets provide fresh, reliable information about how other lawyers and judges are working through disputes in Montana courts. By bringing trial court rulings into our publication we hope to supplement word-of-mouth, listservs and niche publications that do not routinely publish the orders of trial court judges.

We organize court rulings according to their subject matter to make it easier to get at matters of greatest interest to the reader.

In a world of fully computerized legal research, advance sheets have fallen into disuse. MAS believes that restoring the traditional form of advance sheets from earlier eras can benefit all members of the bar.


Subscribe now to our weekly review of court cases around the State of Montana.

  • Weekly Issues in PDF Format with linked indicies
  • Digital Delivery
  • $279.00 Annual fee
  • No other consistent resource for recent Montana court opinions and rulings